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Research Projects



Policy & Innovation Labs

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Over the past five years that has been proliferation of policy and social innovation labs (PSiLabs) worldwide. These labs work within or for the government and apply scientific methods and principles to address social issues. Part of their policy design approach is citizen participation and collaboration. Our proposed research focuses on how PS-iLabs act as a “scientific” buffer between society and the state and on the transformation of policy issues to recommended policy solutions. Understanding “labification” as a nexus between society, the state, and science provide new insights about how to enhance positive contributions and inhibit negative consequences in policy innovation design, which in turn promotes public and social well-being.

From the Ordered Lab to the Chaotic Political Arena 

When Biotechnology Entrepreneurship Depends on Policy Innovation... Public policy and biotech entrepreneurship are inherently interdependent. To better understand biotech and policy entrepreneurship interstices, this research will use a multi-method approach while shifting attention to a unique sub-category, serial biotech entrepreneurs. Our aim is to explore policy entrepreneurship exercised by biotech entrepreneurs and also the extent and the ways biotech inventions challenge existing policy arrangements and legal-regulatory frameworks by exploring biotech inventions contingent upon policy innovations for commercialization, such as stem cell technology, gene therapy, and the medical use of cannabis.

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